fx FinfoxReports

Generating personalised customer documentation.

Whether standardised or customised, a reporting framework to suit your needs.


Your benefits at a glance.

FinfoxReports creates attractive customer documentation, from simple advisory meeting logs through to detailed portfolio analysis and customised investment proposals. Premium quality and in the bank’s own design, FinfoxReports are seamlessly adapted to the bank’s various output channels.

Premium-quality customer reports.

Impress your customers with personalised, premium-quality reports.

Efficient preparation.

Generate comprehensive reports in just a few clicks.

Clearly structured customer documents.

Seamless adaptation of FinfoxReports to digital channels rounds off the hybrid advisory experience for your customers. Customer documents in a host of different formats illustrate investment proposals, keep a record of advisory meetings and provide regular updates on portfolio performance. Delight your customers with multidimensional portfolio analysis, attractive visual representations of investment targets and customer assets, and investment strategy simulations.

Customer reports just a click away.

Base your customer reports on an extensive repertoire of report pages configured to suit your requirements. Even completely personalised requests for customer reports can be efficiently implemented using the reporting framework. On this basis, Finfox provides you with precisely the right types of reports, either with or without configuration options for the user.

Efficient generation of customer reports.

Advisers and customers can generate consistent, high-quality reports straight from various channels. As a result, customer meetings can be documented with just a few clicks. Additionally, customer reports can also be generated automatically at predefined frequencies. Customer reports fulfill the regulatory requirements for such documents at all times. In order to boost efficiency and reduce compliance risks, the generation of reports can also be initiated automatically during the advisory process.

A smart software solution for the investment advice of the future.

Hybrid investment advice boasts a combination of personal experience and digital interaction. Our modular software enables the needs-oriented use of our various channels.


Harness the extensive capabilities of FinfoxReports to personalize your customer documentation and achieve efficient and automated document generation. These include:

  • Clear, customer-friendly presentation in the bank’s CI/CD
  • Addressee-friendly documentation of the personalised customer meeting for all advisory services offered
  • Automated integration of all regulatory requirements and product explanations (KIDs, KIIDs, PIBs, PRIIPs, etc.)
  • Electronic signing of documents

Customers who trust us.

Zuger Kantonalbank
Berner Kantonalbank
St. Galler Kantonalbank
Glarner Kantonalbank
Luzerner Kantonalbank
Maerki Baumann
Schwyzer Kantonalbank

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