Goal-based investment advice
An individual investment strategy in line with personal goals.
Whether home ownership, inheritance or an endowment fund – the investment goals and needs of your customers are unique and can change at any time. One goal being within reach, a next one is planned for.
Setting goals together.
With goal-based investment advice, customers’ individual goals and needs always take centre stage. Here too, proactive advice has a key role to play: the better the communication between customer and adviser, the better the individual fit of the investment strategy. This way investment goals will be achieved together.
Easily achieve long-term goals.
Finfox makes it easy for you: based on a customer’s personal investment goals, solutions can be devised in a few short steps that are suited to the customer’s specific life situation and wealth targets. The right investment strategy with the right investment products promotes clarity and focus in investment activities, ensures continuity in everyday investment habits and helps to achieve goals together.